
The bibliography page has external links to Journals and articles.


The body: A phenomenological psychological perspective is an educational resource from the Open University. It provides a useful introduction to key topics like mind-body dualism, the relationship between the body, identity and the social world and phenomenological perspectives.

The Embodiment Lab is based in the Department of Psychology at Columbia University. They're researching into "the nature of mental representations that underlie emotional experience and social dynamics", "mechanisms by which bodily activity and mental representations of it are connected to emotional experience and social dynamics" and "how to manage emotional experiences and social interactions".

A critical discussion of Lakoff and Johnson's 'Philosophy In the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought'.

Don Hanlon Johnson - "A contribution to the work of those teachers, activists, writers, bodyworkers, artists, and scientists who are taking stands in favor of the crucial importance of our material reality ... My focus is on a worldwide group of educators who have developed practices for accessing and cultivating the stores of wisdom, creativity, and courage that live within our bodies". The site includes a page for the Study Project in Phenomenology of the Body.

Integration Journal is an interesting blog by Mark Walsh, which covers "Martial arts, alternative health, somatics, bodywork, Non-Violent Communication, meditation, dance and a personal touch".

Moving Legends is a series of video interviews with dancers who have enhanced our understanding of embodiment. The series includes interviews with Judith Aston, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Anna Halprin and Don Hanlon Johnson.

The Embodiment Studies pages at Goddard College provide useful introductory extracts. Also see their MA course.

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Embodied Situated Cognition/ Embodied Knowledge

Access to tacit embodied knowledge: Force sensations and conceptualization.
Bodily acts are often tacit, implicit, and are hard or impossible to capture in propositional form. What then, is the mechanism by which the player knows how to act? How is this knowledge related to conceptual learning?
(Abstract of talk for the Seminar on People, Computers, and Design at Stanford University December 4, 1998.)

Embodied Situated Cognition in Social Psychology
Provides a short discussion of the implications of ESC for many topics in social psychology.

Somatic/Embodied Learning and Adult Education. Trends and Issues Alert by Sandra Kerka. A short briefing on the subject with a good bibliography.

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Cognitive Science

Laboratory of Action and Body is part of the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. Their research focuses on identifying the basic neurocognitive principles governing the sense of self.

Psycoloquy is a refereed international, interdisciplinary electronic journal that publishes on psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, behavioural biology, artificial intelligence, robotics/vision, linguistics and philosophy.

International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion exists to promote the cognitive science of religion through international collaboration. The new website is developing into a very useful resource.

The Danish Center for Subjectivity Research approaches the subject through three strands: first, phenomenology and philosophy of mind, second, hermeneutics and philosophy of religion, and third psychopathology. The Center runs conferences and courses. Their links page is especially useful.

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Counselling and Therapy

Body-psychotherapy articles in The Psychotherapist (pdf)

Dialoguing with Body: A Self Study in Relational Pedagogy through Embodiment and the Therapeutic Relationship (pdf)
Chantale Lussier-Ley University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Nick Totton on Embodied-Relational Therapy

John Pickering interests include Consciousness and Selfhood; Ecopsychology and wellbeing; Embodiment, Cognitive science and phenomenology Eastern psychological thought

European Association for Body Psychotherapy

The History and Development of Body-Psychotherapy: The American Legacy of Wilhelm Reich

Carl Rogers and Eugene Gendlin on the bodily felt-sense: what they share and where they differ

I integrate embodiment research into my counselling and psychotherapy practice.

Embodied Knowing in the workplace

The Manifestation and Integration of Embodied Knowing Into Social Work Practice. Mininder K. Sodhi and Harriet L. Cohen. Adult Education Quarterly, May 2012 vol. 62 no. 2: 120-137.

Courses related to embodiment research

Culture, Embodiment and the Senses at MIT.

Embodiment at the University of New South Wales.

The Individualized MA at Goddard College is an "interdisciplinary liberal studies program integrating personal vision with radical thinking and engaged practice". Concentrations include place-based Environmental Studies, Consciousness Studies, and Embodiment Studies (see http://web.goddard.edu/embodiment/), Eco-feminism and eco-spirituality, Mythology, Eco-Psychology and related fields.

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Embodiment based training and coaching

Clare Myatt offers somatic psychotherapy and coaching.

Integration Training apply somatics to management and leadership training.

Paul Linden's Being In Movement training provides mindbody education, stress reduction, compassionate power, and facilitates embodied peacemaking.

Sandra Reeve offers a programme of movement workshops and courses: Move into Life.

I integrate embodiment research into my ecopsychology workshops.

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